Sunday, March 29, 2015

fleeting moments

For a long time I thought life was made up of memories but more often than not I forget things -it's impossible to remember everything. And a lot of times, the best things are left behind, and you tend to only remember big events in your life.

You don't always remember the simple phrases you say during fully filled days, in the middle of the week, to a few friends, that ends up making you laugh so hard you almost pee your pants in public, but you don't pee your pants, so it's not so easy to remember this fleeting yet sweet moment.

We tend to remember the things that impact us the most. I don't think life is just made up of memories, I think life is made up of a lot of little tender and simple moments in between life altering events.

Life is really confusing and hurled at us like water in a Super-Soaker Watergun fight. We are constantly caught off guard and frustrated that we couldn't predict the outcome sooner. We try to "one-up" God and think we can get ahead or see what's beyond the horizon, but the truth is, we can't.

God is good and His word is true. His word is refreshing and breath to our spiritual lungs. The roots of our lives are buried in His grace and mercy. As we lean into His goodness He reveals His glory -in a sunrise, a sunset, the smell of coffee brewing in the morning, or a belly rolling laugh with friends, or the company and conversation with friends you haven't seen in a while.

Life can be as threatening as a Super-Soaker Watergun fight, and the fight might be brutal, but we can choose to soak up moments of whimsy and enjoy those moments. Because to enjoy what God has given us, and to find value in each other's company as we push each other to grow toward Jesus, we are enjoying God. And to enjoy God is to glorify God.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Spring Bid Day 2015

(we're really the least wild of the pack)

World Traveler

[gym, ski,  breakfast, pack, campus tour,
drive to the airport, go to Vegas]
Praying for your flight today -adventure is just around the corner!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

People overwhelm your perspective on life.

You either have a positive perspective because you've been around people that lift you up and push you towards your dreams, or you have a negative perspective because you're surrounded by people that doubt your potential and don't give you the time of day.

I hope you continue to thrive with the people you surround yourself with. I hope you're always reminded that you're worth is not determined by any set person, but by Jesus. But also reminded that Jesus has given us friends to remind us of how much we are worth to Jesus, to hold us accountable and love us well.

2015 is going to be great.

Happy Tuesday, xo.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

S/O to the best sister around. Thanks for loving Jesus in front of me. Keep your eyes fixed on the King. Everyone go check out her blog @ and shine on!

Monday, December 1, 2014


I believe the devil discusses what makes you squirm and taunts you with pressure to be the best; he pleasures in what makes you uncomfortable and anxious, giving way to waves of chaos that seek to overwhelm you.

Jesus gives grace and shows us peace. He loves us in our doubt and delivers us from concern. Tonight I am thankful for Jesus. I'm thankful for a lot of good things in my life, but more often than not I am overtaken by commitments to good things and good people and forget how good my God is to me. It's been a long time since I've been eager to fix my eyes on Jesus, and tonight I could not want anything else more.

It's interesting to me how I have become overcome with worry. I worry about a lot of things, daily. Today I was worried I wouldn't be able to be into work before the store opened because the front door was locked. I was worried I wouldn't get a break to eat lunch. I was worried my travel mug would get taken by someone else within the next week because I left it in the back at work when I got off my shift. I was worried a high school girl would not be able to go to YoungLife camp next weekend.

I'm worried I won't do well on my finals at the end of the week. I'm worried that if I don't do well on my finals this week my GPA will suffer and it will dictate my leadership in my sorority and my acceptance into a program at UCF next semester.

I'm constantly worried about something, which is normal and everyone has things that they're invested in, but in my mind to be full of worry about GOOD things can't be GOOD at all.

There is importance in embracing your problems as opportunities to be challenged -that can be good. The moment we gravitate to being good at doing good things for our own good is when we have misunderstood the meaning in quality work. It's all for His glory, FOREVER, and EVER.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Life is "moore" lovely with love.

A lot of times I'm reminded of you, and how much I love us being together too. July 4th, 2011

 Hello and happy belated Fourth of July to all those who loyally come back to read my blog (there are few of you but I'm thankful for the few.) I was in Colorado over this past week/weekend and I was able to enjoy celebrating our freedom in the crisp mountain air with family.

My aunt retired from the Air Force after a full 28 years of service, which, to me is quite a long time and a serious commitment to fighting for our country. Her retirement ceremony was actually really wonderful, and as everyone came to be seated I realized that there were only a few there, not everyone she had met while in the Air Force, but the few that held importance and much worth in her eyes, and she was thankful for the few.

The afternoon began with a prayer and everyone listened as one man spoke to God about Jennifer and how awesome she is...praising Him for how she has glorified Him in her work and asking Him to be with her as she begins a new journey. It was neat to see how much people love her and value her love for life and the Lord. I came to find out that she is also incredibly smart as well as kind. She looks at each opportunity with wide eyes, and when I talk to her about my ideas and dreams I feel as though she is listening with her whole heart and is already on my side before I begin to explain what crazy thought has come to my mind. Never-the-less, it is safe to say I am looking forward to the days to come, and to enjoy her company once she is close by.

Also, NOEL IS GETTING MARRIED TO STEPHEN! I got the low down from KC and the rest of the family, but those are not my details to share but just to be glad in! Their love for one another brings joy to my heart and soul and I could not be happier to be near them to share in the celebration of what is to come for them as husband and wife, and... the best is yet to come!

I don't know why, but often when I think of what God thinks of my choices in life I see him being critical right off the bat, without hearing me out or listening, so I think I tend to refrain from even sharing my heart with God. BUT I KNOW, for a fact, that God is good and grace giving. God leans in and listens to our hopes and dreams with his whole heart and He loves us. He loves us so much. He's been on our side from the start, rooting us on to love more and be more. I believe that the Lord has set our lives in motion towards others, in order to love others deeply and to love without limits.

For me, I come from a very thought-out and purposeful family that is focused on doing things right and well. But I don't think that's all there is to it...

I think there is risk involved with love, but I think love is worth the risk. I think making mistakes makes gives you character and helps you grow. I think the Lord whispers to us that life is more about knowing the Lord loves you unconditionally in order that you might feel the freedom you have to love other people with the intent of your love being unconditional. And His heart echos through our lives, giving us hope that we have a lover of our soul and he will forever love us more than we can love Him. In a way I want to be able to be so secure in Christ's love for me that I can barrel out love and kindness to people without needing to receive the same love back, and that's hard. Whether that's being honest with KC telling him how much I care about him or when I'm thinking about him, or saying "hi" and "good to see you" to the people you pass along your way each day -there's no point in waiting for the perfect moment for those kind of things, the perfect moment is instantly, right as it hits you.

Life sure is "moore" lovely with love. No sense in waiting, life is too short to hold out on love.